Ancillary benefits are a secondary type of health insurance coverage that covers miscellaneous medical expenses that are incurred during a stay at the hospital.

Ancillary benefits are offered to cover those expenses which many neglects to factor into the cost of healthcare.

Health plans aren’t enough to keep employees healthy because they still need oral and vision care. Covering costs for these insurances make sense for companies because research shows that dental and vision plans can be effective, and preventive, healthcare tools that might lower medical claims costs in the long run.

  • Accident
  • Cancer
  • Critical Illness

Let us be the benefits department for your organization.

We are your advocate in dealing with day-to-day issues. Our support and service to you and your employees and their family members is what separates us from other, average insurance brokers. We will service each employee, with all his or her insurance related questions, and we will provide you, the company, with comprehensive benefits administration and support.

If you are interested in learning more about online enrollment, learning more about how we can help with your HR Outsourcing, or just making helping your HR Department through this process, please call us at (480) 636-8620.

Contact us today, we would love to show you a free online enrollment demo and answer any questions you may have.